Grand Seiko, the renowned Japanese luxury watch brand, opened its first store in India, strategically situated within the luxurious business enclave of Bengaluru, UB City. This marks a significant milestone in Grand Seiko’s global expansion strategy. The 400 sq. ft. Grand Seiko store in Bengaluru offers an exclusive space for watch enthusiasts.
Grand Seiko watches are synonymous with precision, durability, as well as simplicity and understated elegance. From the groundbreaking caliber 3180 in the first Grand Seiko watch collection, to its latest timepieces, the brand has consistently embodied functional beauty and design purity. The luxury store will showcase the full range of Grand Seiko products, highlighting their latest iconic creations including the SBGW260G Mechanical Limited Edition in an 18K Gold Case, SBGY003G Spring Drive 20th Anniversary Limited Edition, SLGH005 White Birch, and SBGA413G Japanese Seasons Spring Drive Shunbun.
Expressing his excitement for this noteworthy achievement, Mr. Niladri Mazumdar, President & COO, Seiko Watch India, commented, “The establishment of India’s first Grand Seiko store is a historic moment for us. It symbolizes the culmination of our unwavering commitment to providing Indian consumers with an exclusive destination, exceptional craftsmanship and timeless elegance that define Grand Seiko. Additionally, Bangalore is known for its cosmopolitan vibe, making it an attractive hub for luxury brands looking to establish a strong presence in the Indian market.”
About Grand Seiko
“Grand Seiko” is a luxury brand that offers timepieces made by master craftsmen in Seiko’s two exclusive watchmaking studios, using exclusive movements and the highest grade materials. Each Grand Seiko watch is instantly recognizable because of its simplicity of form and its understated elegance.