Renowned Chef Hari Nayak leads from the front with his innovative and contemporary approach to Indian food. The Udipi born Chef Hari has travelled the globe, through some of the most prestigious kitchens. From April 2 – 7, 2024 Baraabaru, the jewel of Maldivian dining and named one of CNN Travel’s top ten “Maldives’ Finest Tables,” will be transformed into a haven of contemporary Indian gastronomy under Chef Nayak’s expert guidance. Imagine farm-fresh Maldivian produce infused with Chef Nayak’s signature flair, all while championing eco-friendly practices and reducing food waste. It’s a culinary love affair that Mother Nature herself would approve of.
Chef Hari has authored several cookbooks, conceptualised Michelin-rated restaurants from NYC, the Middle East and Bangkok and is the official partner of Four Seasons Resorts, and some upcoming ventures in Tokyo in 2024.